
Coming soon: Interview with my dumplings

I was driving when a thought occured to me.

'My dumplings' are at the age where I should be capturing all their little antics and sayings.  I have 2 nieces and a nephew.  Alanah is 7, Gina is 5 (starting Kindergarten) and Albino jr (aka Baby Boy) is 4.

Jeez, I hope I got their ages right, I'm kinda bad with that.

So I thought, I should do a interview piece on them.  I just have to figure out what questions I should ask them and do a 'sit' down interview with them.  I can even video tape it but I'd probably have to have their parents consent first because of posting and what not.  Maybe I'll do it anyway, but just type out the interview.

I think it'll be cute especially right before two of them start school.

haha I'll have to bring a microphone to make it seem legit. =)

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